Okay, time to fess up. Last week this mouse jumped off the wheel. That’s right I took a break!
My respite lasted four days and I didn’t edit a word. I think I needed it. I now feel re-invigorated and fresh. I did a little yesterday, line edits on hardcopy and it felt comfortable and certainly not a chore.
On a different note I’ve almost finished my current book, Robert Ludlum ‘The Bancroft Strategy’. As he passed away in 2001, it’s written by an unaccredited Ghost Writer. The credits mention the book’s derived from a concept of his, which is interesting if true and how would I know if it isn’t? The novel’s well written and certainly engaging, so does it really matter either way? Not to me.
I have the very talented Mary Victoria’s ‘Tymon’s Flight’ Chronicles of the Tree Book One, next on my must read list. I met Mary briefly at Worldcon last year and she is a wonderful person and by all accounts an amazing writer. I also have a few books a neighbour recommend and has graciously lent me.