
Balance, Impatience, The Healing Truth, The Curing, Flight and now DreamState. Book 6 is done!

It may at present be a rough draft however getting the last word down is always such a great feeling. This is the novel I began during last years NaNoWriMo. Suffice to say with conventions, editing and the odd moment of fandom here and there, I struggled for free time across the first quarter of 2013. I only found time to focus on this story during the last few months and I’m very glad I did. I love this book, its so very different to all the others and has an exciting pace to it. At 70,000 words DreamState is an urban paranormal action blockbuster with a hint of science fiction. I can honestly say I’ve never read a book quite like this before. If my proof readers are right it just might take the world by storm. Well possibly after copious editing, watch out 2014!

If you’re interested in unusual psychic / ethereal phenomena feel free to check out the first chapter. The book opens with the protagonist Jacob working with a client…

First chapter – PDF format.


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